Are you ready for this challenge?

Category: Healthy Body

The key behind the Prove It Challenge is the combination of proven nutrition and healthy habits. After all, we want to help you build your healthier lifestyle, but we also […]

Tour to my Wellness Project

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Health is the opposite of disease. Unfortunately, most doctors and the medical system focus on fighting disease. I prefer to focus on building health. Now I’m on a mission to […]

Digestive Health 101

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Here’s what you’ll learn in this webinar: • Your digestive system’s role in immunity• 4 safe simple ways to help with acid reflux• How to solve weight gain with a […]

Stress and Zentangle

Category: Healthy Body

Is your stress killing you? The evidence is in, and the answer is yes. Does that give you even more stress? 60-90% of all doctor visits are stress related. Don’t […]