Here’s what you’ll learn in this webinar:

• Your digestive system’s role in immunity
• 4 safe simple ways to help with acid reflux
• How to solve weight gain with a healthy gut
• Plus, much more!

The Importance of Gut Health

Unfortunately, there is currently an epidemic of digestive illness in North America. According to the Digestive Disease Clearinghouse and Information Center, about 69 percent of all doctor visits were for digestive issues. 42 million Americans experience heartburn weekly and 30 to 45 million suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. This is why year after year, medications for digestive illness top the pharmaceutical bestseller list.

Dr. McDougall, the author of the Digestive Tune-Up, writes that once you begin taking medications for digestive problems, you will likely be on them for the rest of your life.

Health Starts In The Gut!

The roots of optimal health lie in your intestines. The digestive system is like a river that runs through you. It is the seat of your immune system, runs your metabolism, makes vitamins, and communicates with every other cell in your body.

The purpose of the digestive system, also known as “the gut,” is to bring nutrients to each cell of your body. When this doesn’t occur, we feel tired and sluggish, can’t think clearly, and begin to develop symptoms of illness. If we don’t attend to these symptoms, they can develop into full-blown health problems. 

Watch my webinar below and learn more about the importance of Digestive Health 🙂 

P.S. If you want to know more information about the products I recommend for digestive health, feel free to visit my SHOP and search for it 🙂 

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